Mental Health Resources

September is Suicide Prevention Month.

When life gets heavy, sometimes we don't know where to turn. Culturally, we have not illequipped to have the conversation or address mental health concerns within ourself and those close to us.  The Answer Apparel Co. knows how important your mind is to you being productive and living a fulfilled life of purpose and impact. 

We have compiled a list of resources to help you on your healing journey. 
You are loved.You are necessary. You are made in the image of God. The world NEEDS your light.
It is our hope that these resources help you on your journey to shine your brightest.
We love you, 
-The Answer Apparel Co. 

Mental Health Resources

Need Immediate Support?
In Crisis? 

National Suicide Prevention Line 

Call or Text 1-800-273-8255 Available 24/7


Looking for a Therapist?

Black Mental Health Alliance has a resource that finds and connects you with a therapist based on location and need.  

Connect with a Therapist


Additional Resources: 

National Organization for People Against Suicide 

Therapy for Black Girls - An online community committed to encouraging the mental wellness of Black women and girls. 

Therapy for Black Men is a directory for Black Men Seeking help.

The Aakoma Project - helps teens, young adults, and their families learn to build understanding, seek help, and manage mental health.  

Hip-Hop, Coffee, and Mental Health - Organization that seeks to normalize therapy 


Effective Suicide Prevention 

As a friend or family member, it is important to know how to be a resource. 
This four-minute video provides a brief overview of SPRC’s
Effective Suicide Prevention Model, which can help you carry out suicide prevention efforts that are most likely to be effective. 

Signs a Person May Be at Imminent Risk :